The tiny Jellybean Tetra hails from Western Africa, where it is apparently endemic to the forests of Sierra Leonne. In the wild, it's habitat is quickly destroyed by deforestation; as such, attempts to secure this fish in the hobby by captive breeding are welcomed. .
One of the smallest fish we offer, the Jelly Bean Tetra reaches a maximum size of about 3/4", and care should be taken when placing it with other fishes, as they are bite-sized for just about everything. A species tank, or a tank shared with small shrimp, snails, or other invertebrates is recommended. Ladigesia roloffi may also be mixed with other microfishes, such as Ember Tetras, Dwarf Pencilfish, Corydoras pygmaeus, or any of the Microrasboras, although care should be taken to ensure that these tiny and rare tetras will not become feeders.