The Congo Tetra is one of the most beautiful tetras available, and one of the constant favourites in the hobby. Usually, albino forms lose much of the colour, but this rarely encountered form of the Congo Tetra tends to accentuate the colour as they mature. The irridescent scales of the adult fish shine through, and bring a rainbow of blue and green to the fish.
Like the regular Congo Tetra, these fish only show their best when mature. Juvenile fish are, frankly, ugly. It is not until they begin to become sexually mature that these fish really develop their colours, and females may remain drab. They are best kept in a mixed sex shoal, as males will not display well unless they have females to display to.
Congo Tetras are generally quite easy to maintain, and are also a reasonably easy tetra to spawn, particularly in a summer tub. The males have long fins, and should not be mixed with nippy fish. Otherwise, they mix well with essentially anything not large enough to eat them, and can even be used as a dither fish for larger dwarf cichlids.