The Red Rainbowfish is one of the most beautiful, deep red fishes. It is often confused with the solid red form of the Millenium Rainbowfish, G. pseudoincicus, with which it is virtually indistinguishable.
An active, schooling fish, Red Rainbowfish should be kept in large groups, with a minimum of six fishes. They are unaggressive, and can be mixed with virtually any other community type fishes. They should not be mixed with large cichlids, or other fish which may eat them. They make excellent dither or target fish for smaller, moderately aggressive cichlids, such as Pelvicachromis. Their bright colouration can also make them a focal point in a planted aquarium.
Like most species of Glossolepis, this fish tends to do poorly in soft, acidic conditions, and may benefit from the addition of a small amount of marine salt to the aquarium.
Care should be taken when mixing similar species of Glossolepis, as they may hybridise in the aquarium. Additionally, males may spar with each other, and may actually harm one another in a smaller aquarium.