Neon Irian Rainbowfish
Pseudomugil cf. paskai

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 2"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 10-G Minimum

pH: 6.0 - 7.2

Hardness: 0-10°

Temperature: 72 - 78 °

Temperment: Unaggressive; schooling

Pseudomugil paskai

The beautiful blue eyed rainbowfish of the genus Pseudomugil have quickly become favourites among nanotank enthusiasts and planted aquarium lovers alike. These small rainbowfish reach sized of only about 2", and do quite well in small aquariums, and especially well in planted tanks.
An interesting fish, this fish has been given a number of common names in the hobby, some of which are annoyingly confusing. The most common of these seem to use the word "Irian," which is also often applied to the Red Rainbowfish, Glossolepsis incissus. The fish in the hobby appears to not actually be the true Pseudomugil paskai, but an undescribed, closely related species. Numerous populations can be found in the hobby, with some variation in the amount of blue and red on the body, and these may actually represent different species. As such, care should be taken to avoid mixing "Paskai" from multiple sources, as any resulting offspring may be hybrids; however, now farmed, many of the Paskai in the hobby may already represent a hybrid species!
An active, schooling species, Neon Irian Rainbowfish should be kept in groups no smaller than 6-12 individuals, with larger being better. Males will flash their fins and enhance their colours, sparring at each other, over females, though these fights do not result in damage to either fish.
Care should be taken when choosing tank mates for these fish, as they are quite small. Larger fish may eat them, or outcompete Neon Irian Rainbowfish for food. The various species of Pseudomugil should not be mixed, as hybrids may occur. Small, placid tetra, dimunitive catfishes, and invertebrates all make great additions to an aquarium with these fish.