Yoma Danio or Starlight Danio
Danio freegrandeii

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 3"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 20-G Minimum

pH: 6.0 - 7.5

Hardness: 4-20°

Temperature: 70 - 80 °

Temperment: Unaggressive; schooling

Danio freegradeii, also known as the Yoma Danio or Starlight Danio

One of the less commonly encountered larger Danios, the Yoma or Starlight Danio is a beautiful fish that aquarists should definitely pay more attention to. Like most danios, they are remarkably hardy, and do best in large groups. When young, they can be a fairly plain looking fish, but as the Starlight Danio matures, a beautiful pattern begins to emerge on the body. The fins begin showing orange and red, and a pattern of bright, glowing dots appears on the body, giving them an appearance reminiscent of a trout.
These Danios can be maintained outdoors in warmer weather, and make great additions to a well aerated tub or pond. Care should be taken to ensure that the aquarium is well covered, as they may be jumpy.